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Let's think this to be a time of incubation instead of segregation/isolation.......

Elizabeth Mueller

For starters, I need to just get something off my chest. I am really loving this time of COVID19 quarantine.

Oh, sure there are many disadvantages at this time in my life it feels actually as gift. I do understand that there is also great loss, sadness and hard times now and there is more to come.

But here's my real deal:

I have moved my classes to online, that simplifies so much. Everyday a class, either morning or evening. Messenger or Zoom, we are having a blast creating community when it is lacking in peoples lives. I get to teach what I know to people who want to learn free of any cost barrier.

Events are coming up and nothing will change either. Same-Same F.B messenger or Zoom. If you want the links just let me know. maybe I will post them later in this blog,....... lets see if I remember. LoL (and I did remember check out below)

My day seems to fly, by as I choose what I do and what I avoid. I really love the Yoga practice with my community of beauties. A smooth and refreshing class to ease into or finish your day.

My garden calls, it has been mostly my Labyrinth redo. Removing the lava and replacing it with some pretty cool moss harvested from our local Rain forest. I am looking forward to a nature feel to the space, creating a welcoming natural space to contemplate and deepen you exploration of self.

Doodling - seems to be like meditation. I love to learn, create, copy, change and make my own. It takes me away. Where? I really don't know, but I can tell you that there is nothing else there. no worries, no hold, stress or criticism. OK, just a bit of that, but mostly a bit of laughter when that happens. Learning to let go and turn those bo bo's into creation themselves. I going to post everything i have drawn since this bubble began.

So, incubation say you! Here's my thought.

Everything is either born, germinated, hatched or divide into separate cells to create life. They all need a certain climate or environment to develop. They need to be protected, nourished and nurtured to grow.

I look at this time as incubation. The weak will suffer, begin to find negative in anything and all things, with that they likely will pour through any stock of anything they have including patience. The thinkers, meditators, peacemakers, healers, clergy, sages etc. will thrive (and likely fast), and work diligently on recovering all which has gone south in the last 50 yr. (back to Woodstock). The skies will continue to clear, there will be a new hope in all which is sustainable, we will have pride in reusing and reducing. Rejoicing, not in the lack but in the accomplishment and achievement of living with distance and thriving.

There are great things coming. An awakening maybe, a time of coming together as a family certainly.

Slowly we are growing again into the human beings we know we all can be.

Here are the links to the yoga classes - completely free or if you have the need by donation.

for Monday, Wed and Friday 9 am PST - Messenger link


for Tues and Thursday 6 pm. pst - zoom link

Be sure to check out my web page here

sign up for the Yoga newsletter here

See you on the other side.

Yours elizabeth

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