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Elizabeth Mueller

Camino des Oase – Monte del Gozo 4 5 km. to Santiago


Our morning greeter today, still in the darkness of the morning, we set out to cover the .5 km. To get back on the Camino and this little fellow was there along with a few of his buddies. I am assuming they are nocturnal and are out and about in the safety of the night to fest on bugs and such.


With the rain comes plenty of assorted wild mushrooms, they look so spending amongst the dewy greener of the morning.




Tunels and passageways are the theme for today. Such portals are everywhere but is takes just a second to realize you are I  a place of great uniqueness. And when you do it is transformed by you higher awareness of the energy around.



  although the rain followed us through our journey today, it changed the experience and images in front of us. The birds sang clearer and  more constant, loving the wetness of the shower.



  with an abundance of water gentle streams quickly changed to rushing streams. The movement of water was more direct, moving with clarity. Much like the pilgrims moving towards Santiago.


Evening followed us into Monte del Gozo where Cheryl and Brenda connected with our path at 4.5 km. before Santiago. With our Camino family  (7), together we shared a feast with several other pilgrims we had met on the way.


20 of us pilgrims gather the evening before Santiago. All looking forward to our last albergue sleep.

Yours on the Camino Elizabeth Mueller

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